
Information regarding this very own Spintronics-Info web site

Spintronics-info launches new marketing and advertisement opportunities for spintronics companies!

As part of the recent reorganization of Spintronics-Info's service and operation paradigm, we are proud to offer a whole new marketing approach! We believe in marketing schemes that are tailor-made to be a perfect fit to our clients' needs and budgets. We offer various marketing options and tools, from sponsored posts and email blasts, through banners and newsletter promotions, to bespoke content creation and additional custom solutions.

MicroLED-Info's marketing options image

Whether your company is looking for new customers, exposure to new potential markets, collaborations, investments or brand-enhancement, Spintronics-Info is the perfect venue. Our readers represent the entire industry eco-system, including researchers, materials producers, device makers, equipment makers, investors, engineers, C-level management and more.

Read the full story Posted: Jun 24,2019

A new guide to promising perovskite materials: The Perovskite Handbook

The Spintronics-Info team takes pleasure in recommending our new book - The Perovskite Handbook. This book gives a comprehensive introduction to perovskite materials, applications and industry. Perovskites offer a myriad of exciting properties and has great potential for several industry -including the spintronics one.

The Perovskite Handbook

We believe that any spintronics professional would find that perovskite materials are an area of focus that should not be ignored. The promising perovskite industry is currently at a tipping point and on the verge of mass adoption and commercialization and the first display-related perovskites are already reaching the market.

Read the full story Posted: Jan 13,2019