Researchers observe chiral-spin rotation of non-collinear antiferromagnets

Researchers at Tohoku University and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) have reported a new spintronic phenomenon – a persistent rotation of chiral-spin structure.

The researchers studied the response of chiral-spin structure of a non-collinear antiferromagnet Mn3Sn thin film to electron spin injection and found that the chiral-spin structure shows persistent rotation at zero magnetic field. Moreover, their frequency can be tuned by the applied current.

“The electrical control of magnetic structure has been of paramount interest in the spintronics community for the last quarter of a century. The phenomenon shown here provides a very efficient scheme to manipulate magnetic structures, offering new opportunities for application, such as oscillators, random number generators, and nonvolatile memory,” said Professor Shunsuke Fukami, who spearheaded the project.

The researchers used a high-quality heterostructure consisting of non-collinear antiferromagnet Mn3Sn sandwiched between heavy metals W/Ta and Pt. They revealed that, when a current is applied to the heterostructure, the chiral-spin structure rotates persistently at zero magnetic field because of the torque originating from the spin current generated in the heavy metals. Meanwhile, the rotation frequency, typically above 1 GHz, depends on the applied current.

Additionally, in antiferromagnets, the 90-degree rotation of Néel vector in collinear systems and the 180 degree switching of chiral-spin structures in non-collinear systems have been observed recently. The chiral-spin persistent rotation in the current work is different from all the previously found phenomena and thus could open a new horizon of the spintronics research.

“The obtained insight is not only interesting in terms of physics and material science but also attractive for functional device applications,” added Dr. Yutaro Takeuchi, the first author of the paper. “We would like to further improve the material and device technique in the near future and demonstrate new functional devices such as tunable oscillator and high-quality true random number generator.”

Posted: May 24,2021 by Roni Peleg