Two German universities collaborate on Spintronics commercialization research projects

Two German universities (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz - JGU, and the University of Kaiserslautern) are collaborating on two Spintronics commercialization research projects (with a combined budget of €3.8 million).

The first project is the establishment of STeP (Spintronic Technology Platform) in Rhineland-Palatinate, which is designed to boost magnetic coating systems R&D. The main focus of the STeP research is into Heusler materials. This new collaboration means that academic research is being immediately transferred onto an industrial production line.

One promising Spintronics application is sensors, and STeP is wokring with Sensitec on Spintronics based sensors.

The second project is the Technology Transfer Service Centre for New Materials (TT-DINEMA), a service centre that aims to provide original new material concepts to benefit various fields, ranging from solar technology through medical technology to thermoelectrics. TT-DINEMA is also focused on Heusler materials.

Posted: Feb 07,2013 by Ron Mertens