August 2016

C-SPIN researchers discuss topological insulators

The University of Minnesota (UMN) published yet another video, interviewing several researchers at the Center for Spintronic Materials, Interfaces, and Novel Architectures (C-SPIN). The topic this time is topological insulators - priming new class of materials.

Topological insulators are materials in which the edges are conductive but the rest of the material acts like an insulator).

Read the full story Posted: Aug 23,2016

Researchers create a field-effect light switch - on the way to optical spintronics

Researchers from Cambridge University developed a semiconductor assembly that acts as a field-effect light switch. Such a device could bridge the gap between optics and electronics - and lead the way towards optical spintronics.

Cambridge field-effect light switch image

The researchers were able to "spin-encode" light so it can carry data. Light has several advantages over electrical signals at the nanoscale - and can lead to devices which are more efficient, have a larger bandwidth and are more secure. This liquid-light switch could act sort of like a nanophotonic torque converter, translating information from the electrical regime into optical signals.

Read the full story Posted: Aug 19,2016

An introduction to STT-MRAM

STT-MRAM is the second-generation MRAM technology, which uses spin-polarized current to flip the electron spin. STT-MRAM chips are faster, more salable and more efficient than Toggle-MRAM (first-gen MRAM tech). Several companies are now bringing STT-MRAM devices to the market.

STT-MRAM structure diagram

Check out MRAM-Info's new STT-MRAM introduction article to learn more about this technology and the current market status.

Read the full story Posted: Aug 13,2016