The Center for Spin Effects and Quantum Information in Nanostructures (CSEQuIN) was formed in January, 2005. The purpose of the Center is to foster interactions and collaboration among faculty at the University at Buffalo focusing on research and development and educational activities in the areas of spin effects and nanostructures. The Center also facilitates cooperative, multidisciplinary activities and multi-investigator research proposals and projects.
The Laboratory for Spintronics Research in Semiconductors (LSRS) is the result of the corporative research efforts in CSEQuIN in the area of magnetic semiconducting materials and structures. It is a part of a $10 million, multi-institution consortium, headed by UB and funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The focus of LSRS is to study magnetic semiconductors and structures for spintronic device applications, in which the spins of electrons and holes are used to achieve device functions.